L A Woman

Hondo Wells dramatically rescues a young woman from a burning vehicle, and a passing news helicopter films it all. As people crowd around and the news crew continues filming, the woman disappears as if by magic. No one can locate her, so Hondo and Ronny take it upon themselves to find her. They discover the woman’s name is Jett Sunday, and that the burning vehicle was no accident. Some very bad men are intent on killing her. The more the two friends dig, the more mysterious—and dangerous—things become. The FBI and CIA are suddenly very interested in what Ronny and Hondo are doing, and a black cowboy with lightning quick guns is hard on Jett’s trail. An East European with ties to terrorism pays Ronny and Hondo a visit and leaves a not-too-veiled threat: Stop looking for the girl, or else. Looming behind all of them is a terrifying, seven-foot tall behemoth with a Terminator-like focus on finding her. It seems the only people on Jett Sunday’s side are Ronny and Hondo, and they know her time is running out—fast.